T-winning Spaces 2035:
Privacy Notice
This privacy notice describes how your personal data will be used in the research study called “T-Winning Spaces 2035: Winning spatial solutions for future work, enabling the double twin transition of digital/green and virtual/physical transforming our societies by 2035”. You have also been provided with document called “Participant Information Sheet”, which explains in more detail how the study is carried out.
Participation in this study is voluntary. Should you discontinue your participation, you will not be subject to any negative consequences, but information gathered from you up until the point of cessation of your participation may be used in the study according to this Privacy Notice and the applicable data protection legislation.
1) The subject, goal, and the funder of the research: The T-Winning Spaces 2035 study funded by the Academy of Finland aims to identify and analyse the impact of future work on space and land use (the project No.: 353168).
2) The method by with personal data is collected: The personal data is collected from workshops and expert panels, by conducting surveys and interviews, and by recording and videotaping interviews, workshops and panels.
3) Parties of the collaborative study and division of responsibilities: Each research party collects and produces data for their own purposes within the research project and stores this data using their own institutional secured servers. All parties are considered independent controllers of the data they have collected. For the purposes of the project, the project parties may share data between themselves.
The project partners:
Aalto University
The principal investigator in charge of research:
Asst. Prof. Saija Toivonen
Tampere University
The principal investigator in charge of research:
Prof. Sofie Pelsmakers
Tampere University
The principal investigator in charge of research:
Asst. Prof. Jonathon Taylor
University of Turku
The principal investigator in charge of research:
Prof. Juha Kaskinen
4. What personal data is processed?
The personal data include the following identifiers: names of the participants and their professional titles, profession, organisation or place of work known, gender, age, field of knowledge, place of residence (country city/county/municipality), family status, email address, audio and video recordings from interview and transcribed version of same.
Data belonging to special categories of personal data or other specially protected personal data will not be processed in the research study.
5. Personal data has been collected from the following sources:
The personal data will be collected directly from the participants in the study. In addition, contact information to reach the research participants and information about their areas of expertise has been collected by the researchers from the websites of universities and companies and other organizations.
6. a) The processing of personal data
The research study only processes personal data that is necessary for the purpose and execution of the study. The personal data we collect cannot be fully anonymized and thus the personal data will not be published to avoid that the identity of any research participant is disclosed. Only if it turns out that the personal identifiers can be removed to fully anonymize data, the data will be made publicly available.
In case the research participant reveals sensitive personal data and processing of such personal data is not necessary for conducting the research and not a point of interest, such data is deleted in the transcription phase.
b) The purpose or processing personal data
The personal data collected in this study are necessary when aiming to identify and analyse the potential impact of future events which has not yet taken place and cannot be studied just based on historical data. We want to understand the perceptions, policies and plans of different actors and experts, and explore the feasibility of different solutions for the future organisation of work. Without personal data, it is not possible to make an analysis and draw conclusions.
c) Effects on data subjects
We consider participation in the study to have positive effects on the participants: for instance, the participation makes the participants aware of their own potential to influence the physical environment. We do not foresee any negative effects of participation in the study. If damage was to occur for any reason, it would in any case be minor and transient. For example, the stigmatization of subjects for participation in the study is prevented by careful storage practices guaranteeing the confidentiality of the research data and leaving unpublished such research data that cannot be completely anonymized.
d) Legal basis for processing personal data
In accordance with Article 6(1) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the following: The processing of personal data is required for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, namely scientific research.
7. Sharing of Personal Data
Personal data will be shared with project partners listed in Section 3 that act in the capacity of independent controllers. Personal data will not be shared with any other third parties outside the project.
8. International data transfers
Personal data will not be transferred to any country outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area or to international organizations.
9. Storage and protection of personal data
Information processed in IT systems: Your personal data is processed and preserved in secure IT systems, which are approved by Aalto University and suitable for personal data. Access to all computers and IT systems are protected by username and strong personal password. Access to IT systems containing personal data is technically restricted in a manner, that only researchers participating in the study and persons necessary for the implementation of the study have access to your personal data.
10. Retention and deletion of personal data
Deletion during and after the study
Research data containing personal data is retained for research data to be used for further scientific research in the same scientific discipline or in other disciplines that support this research study. Research data containing personal data is deleted after five (5) years since the last publication where this research data has been used and exploited.
11. The rights of the study participant in a scientific study
According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a data subject has the right
- receive information on the processing of their personal data
- right to access the personal data collected and processed
- right to rectification of inaccurate personal data
- request that the processing of personal data be restricted
- object the processing of personal data
- right to erasure of personal data if the conditions of Article 17(1) of the Data Protection
Regulation are met and processing is no longer necessary for archiving purposes in the public interest or for scientific research or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1)In the event that the research study does not require, or no longer requires, the identification of a data subject, the controller shall not be obliged to acquire additional information in order to identify the data or the data subject for the sole purpose of fulfilling the rights of the data subject. If controller cannot identify the data related to a data subject, the rights of access, rectification, to object and of erasure shall not apply. However, if the data subject provides additional information enabling his or her identification and the identification of the research data, the rights are not affected.
12. Contact details of the controller
The controller of this research study is Aalto University Foundation sr., operating as Aalto University.
Person in charge of the research study
Questions regarding the conduct of the research study may be addressed to the person in charge of the study:
Prof. Saija Toivonen, Aalto University,
email. saija.toivonen@aalto.fi
tel. +358 (0)50 534 5773
Data Protection Officer
If the research participant has questions or requests related to data protection or the processing of personal data, the research participant should contact the Data Protection Officer of Aalto University: tel. +358 9 47001 (exchange), dpo@aalto.fi .
In this data request service, you can request the exercise of your rights under GDPR from Aalto University as the controller https://datarequest.aalto.fi/en-US/ .
If a participant of the research study feels that his or her personal data has been processed in violation of data protection legislation, the participant has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the Data Protection Ombudsman’s office (read more: https://www.tietosuoja.fi ).